2012. december 6., csütörtök

Mikkamakka :)

Happy Mikulást!

I think i change...my boyfriend ask, why i write in hungarian, if i dont want hungarian readers...  He have true :)   I must learn english more, and i must more use it... to get ready to next year :)

So i think i was a really good girl in this year.... ok.. i try my best... i think this the best drafting... :P  The first surprised i got at next to morning coffe... :) and here in work so nice too all... everywhere  we see cookies and chocolates, muffins...and cinnamon smells... 

love my kollegas :)

My weekend plan make again sushi... i cant do nothing...everybody love my sushi :P (ok maybe the "my" musnt need here :) ) lets rock! today go shopping :P have payment... i neeeed more christmas tool :) im terrible.... bestiale si? :P   I would like make a fake christmas tree onto wall...


I like the ladder solution too... but maybe too minimal :)

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