2012. december 9., vasárnap

DIY jewelery holder

I had promise, that i make photos from my DIY projects... a house decor was full mine, and now i shoot my jewelery holder too... Since i done it, more easy all morning.... 

I had see a lot of idea for it... but the end i make it materials, what i had find at home :) So my choice fell on the styrofoam, which i involved with  black material (old t-shirt :P )   My second criterion was the place...where i can take it...becouse i cant drilling into wall on bathroom... So i  imagine that between two shelves...  

And i cant stop... i had like the idea, so i make one same holder to my rings too... U can easy take holes into styrofoam :)

And i was have a nice empty bottle... i use hemp to decorate it, and its perfectly good for bracelet holder.

End the end...its the more simple... just a yarn, when i can hold on my necklaces :)

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