2013. május 17., péntek

cake..cake...and more cakes

Oh yeah :) I love make cakes :P No, not so becouse to eat! I always sorry to eat them, but 99% i dont make cakes for mylsef, so i musnt see they cut them :)

My cousin will have a small wedding soon, just she and her groom, and 2-2 witness... but me and my mother we found out, need to make a little celebration at home, for suprise them :)  Because it i need make some really nice cake for the big day. Im thinking on 2 or 3 stairs cake... or one cake, and much little cupcake... Will be not simple, i make the fondant from marshmalow, and this not my favourite to make :) Make always stressed :D But i love make, and decor cakes...here some what u have done in the past:


 So i had make some before too, these are more fondant, only one was a fruit and youghurt cake.  I wold do now a white one, what is not so easy..so sensitive the white, and all little mistake can see on it.  Which i choose? :)

                                                                 It so sweet with real flowers

Like the idea, that the main cake be an oblong..and love silk ribbon!

                                         This i dont choose..but i love the idea!  maybe one day..or another...

                            This i like too..maybe little more attractive can be the main cake...but love cupcakes like idea

                                   It is simple and nice i think. Wist some silver, or gold colors plus...

near 20 ppl be there...so a simple cake i think not will enougth... I wait to make it :)  

2013. május 3., péntek

To sew or not to sew

Hard to start...always. I dont know why, im not a good sewer i think :) Not born for it. I mean i love to make new things, and love the clotes recycling...but me and sewing machine...i think we dont speaking same language :)

But, challange for me, i neeed to make some pencit skirt :P  I love them.. I was never been a big skirt fun... yeah...im not a slim or pretty type, im a curvy girl, and before i cant really accept it.. But how i see, after near 30 year, i am this, and who like it, can see , who doesnt, pls..turn a head :P So this type of skirt i think really nice on every type of women :)

Nice not?